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Single Moms Self Care

Writer: She is KeShe is Ke

Time management is something as moms we strive to excel in. From making sure the kids get to school and extra curricular activities on time, to balancing work, meetings, dinner, and everything else that’s on our plates. After a while we have it all down to a science.

Because we are so focused on completing all the tasks that fall on us throughout the day, we often neglect to make time for ourselves. Because where in the hell will we find the energy or the minutes to devote to our own self care when everyone else needs us all the time?

I decided this year I will start doing more things for me. Not mom me, employee me, just me. For Easter I made myself a basket full of self care items. It includes some books, oracle cards, crystals, a coloring book, and an incense holder. I keep it right beside my bed so I see it daily to remind me to make time for myself.

Whether it’s a few minutes a few days a week, it’s strictly for ME! Today I decided to meditate, pull an oracle card, and read a few self care tips. I’m thinking tomorrow I’ll do some coloring. What are some things you like to do for self care?

Eventually I want to move up to more, but baby steps, right? I can already feel a difference now that I’m filling my own cup and not just everyone else’s. I’ve even started using the DND feature on my phone and enjoying the silence. This self care journey is very personal!


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